31,60 €
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Strong and full taste
Very strong and full taste, still the concentration is pretty light. Like it very much, pairs nicely with strong cheeses.
La Montesa 2020
16,70 €
Baigorri Crianza 2020
13,85 €
Phincas 2020
24,90 €
La Mateo Parcelas Singulares 2016
34,70 €
Isabel Bañares 2019
26,90 €
Lanzaga 2020
26,70 €
38,10 €
Livraison offerte carton panaché 6 bouteilles
10,35 €
13,30 €
10,85 €
36,90 €
13,55 €
42,30 €
13,90 €
21,25 €
37,35 €